
Julia Seixas is Associate Professor at the School of Science and Technology at NOVA University Lisbon.
Currently, she serves as Pro-Rector for Sustainability. Senior researcher at CENSE (Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research) in Energy and Climate.

Ekki Kreutzberger is active in strategic planning (transport, land use, environment) at research organisations (mainly TU Delft) and cities (formerly mainly The Hague).
He is the Project Coordinator of “2050 Climate-friendly mobility in cities” (Interreg Europe).

Eddy Deruwe
Eddy Deruwe is the coordinator of a LIFE IP project in Belgium for VEKA (Flemish Energy and Climate Agency), as well as of the “BE REEL” project for supporting the long-term renovation strategy of Flanders and Wallonia. He has an extensive experience with project coordination and evaluation, both at the local, municipal/regional level and European evaluator.