The EuCityCalc consortium is composed by 11 partners across eight different countries (Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Portugal) which constitute a well-balanced consortium represented by an interdisciplinary team of experts.
Each partner contributes with specific valuable knowledge to meet the EUCityCalc objectives, according to their role in the project. The consortium is composed by the following partners:

Energy Cities
Role within the project
Project Coordinator & dissemination and communication lead
Energy Cities is a learning community for future-proof cities. Across Europe, cities and towns have been translating strong political will into energy and climate action. As part of the Energy Cities network, they share, inspire, and learn from each other – building better, more inclusive, and more local sustainable solutions for their citizens. Energy Cities showcases tangible alternatives deployed by municipalities, advocating change to political and economic governance at all levels. Together we are fostering the wide cultural change needed for a ‘futureproof’ society.
Contact person
Marta Arosio, communications and community management

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Role within the project
Modelling partner, responsible for the European Calculator
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research is dedicated to advancing the frontier of integrated research for global sustainability, and for a safe and just climate future. Drawing on excellent research, PIK provides relevant scientific advice for policy decision-making. PIK aims to provide an integrated perspective on climate change mitigation and climate change impact pathways to inform their choices.
Contact person
Luís Costa

Climact S.A.
Role within the project
Modelling partner, responsible for the European Calculator
Climact is a consulting company active in the energy transition and the fight against climate change. It is based in Belgium and has about 30 employees. Vision – A sustainable zero-carbon society by 2050. This requires a global change in our behaviour, our energy system and the technologies we use. Tomorrow’s world will need to be more collaborative, can cost less, create new local jobs and open up new opportunities. Mission – To give our customers the power to act on climate change. Climact offers services that provide comprehensive, credible and pragmatic solutions: from policy advice to regulatory advice, from climate change strategies to energy project implementation.
Contact person
Vincent Matton

Carbon Market Watch
Role within the project
Policy partner
Carbon Market Watch has over a decade of experience in influencing the development of the EU’s climate policy by harnessing its unique combination of technical policy expertise and bottom-up pressure through strategic partnerships. CMW has also worked to develop capacity and explore synergies between the EU and national/local level climate policies over the past five years. These efforts advocate for solid climate governance processes, transparent policy-making, and increased stakeholder involvement in developing and implementing climate plans. The organisation believes that involving stakeholders across society is vital to improving the quality of decision-making and strengthening compliance. This helps build social consent, empowers citizens to actively contribute to climate action and adds legitimacy to climate plans and policies.
Contact person
Miriam Vicente

Riga Energy Agency
Role within the project
Pilot city
Riga Municipal Agency “Riga Energy Agency” (further – REA), established by the Riga City Council, is the first local energy agency in Latvia. REA is an independent, non-profit municipal establishment, founded in 2007 for the purpose of planning, management, monitoring and coordination of sustainable energy supply and consumption, promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in Riga City Municipality promotion of energy efficient renovation of city’s housing stock and public buildings, as well as, rising awareness amongst the local population on sustainability issues and ensuring public awareness and public involvement within its core activities. According to the strategic documents of Riga City (Development program 2021 – 2027), it has been determined that REA should promote the formation of energy communities in Rīga, promote the use of RES, as well as carry out activities to reduce energy poverty.
Contact person
Māra Reča

Municipality of Mantova
Role within the project
Pilot city
MuM is the local authority managing the City of Mantova, with competences over urban planning, environment, cultural and socio-economic development of the community, welfare services, public works. The City achieved the prestigious title of Italian Capital of Culture 2016 and of greener Italian city in 2018, In addition, Mantova is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2008, which on the other hand imposes several strict limitations on energy efficiency actions and tools.
Contact person
Sofia Salardi, project manager European and Fundraising Unit

Dijon Métropole
Role within the project
Pilot city
Dijon, a French metropolis of 260,000 inhabitants, which has set itself the goal of being carbon neutral, has been implementing an ambitious policy to combat climate change since 2008. To this end, Dijon has involved local players in co-constructing this strategy and mobilizing national and European funds and initiatives.
Dijon Métropole reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 19.2% between 2010 and 2018 and most likely exceeded -20% in 2020, a target set in 2009 under the Covenant of Mayors. Building on this momentum, Dijon Métropole now has the political will to accelerate its energy transition, and is implementing the policies and tools necessary to achieve its objectives.
Contact person
Oanez Codet-Hache, Head of Urban Ecology Department

Energy and Environment Agency of Arrábida
Role within the project
Leader of the co-creation process in the pilot cities
The Energy and Environment Agency of Arrábida, is a non-profit association established in 2006 by the municipalities of Setúbal, Palmela and Sesimbra under IEE Programme. ENA promotes energy efficiency, sustainable development and good practices in areas such as:
PLANNING (Electric Mobility Plan, Local Climate Change Adaptation Plans and Sustainable Energy Action Plans under the CoM), CIRCULAR ECONOMY (recycling used cooking oil for biodiesel production), CAPACITY BUILDING (mitigating citizens’ energy poverty; supporting local authorities to design climate neutral roadmaps, and providing decision support tools for energy efficiency in public buildings), AWARENESS (promoting behavioural change through pedagogical tools) and TECHNICAL AREA (energy management and efficient infrastructures, energy audits and energy management systems).
Contact person
Cristina Daniel, Executive Director

City of Žďár nad Sázavou
Role within the project
Pilot City
The City of Žďár nad Sázavou is a middle-sized common town located in the middle of the Czech Republic; the center of the Bohemian-Moravian Highland which is appreciated for its nature and landscape; the city offers all types of civic amenities including sport facilities and high schools; the city is perceived as healthy and with very low crime rate; the most people work in industry, however many people travel for work to the towns nearby; the most famous historic heritage is the Pilgrimage Church of St. John of Nepomuk Church at the Zelena hora which was added to UNESCO Heritage List in 1994.
Czech Republic
Contact person
Michal Bačovský

Association of Energy Managers of Towns and Municipalities
Role within the project
National capacity-building and dissemination partner
The Association Local Energy Managers is an association of towns and municipalities interested in implementing energy-saving measures and renewable energy sources. Its mission is to disseminate examples of good practice, to educate Czech cities and municipalities in the field of sustainable energy and transport and to help them to manage energy effectively. SEMMO has active members (22 municipalities) with a strong interest in sustainable energy, energy efficiency and community projects. SEMMO is a Signatory of the Covenant of Mayors as a supporting organisation and most of its members are also individual Signatories.
Czech Republic
Contact person
Tereza McLaughlin Váňová, Project Manager

Regional Energy Agency North
Role within the project
Pilot City
Regional Energy Agency North was established in 2009 as public and not-for-profit institution. It was established by three cities, Koprivnica, Varazdin and Virovitica with an aim of providing support, consulting and related services to all participants directly or indirectly involved in energy. Agency is focused on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, rational use of energy and in recent times on e-mobility and smart city solutions. Agency is deeply involved in long term energy and climate planning, has relevant experience in promotion of multi-level governance and supports regional and local authorities in developing, financing and implementing ambitious sustainable energy and climate actions.
Contact person
Jurica Perko, Business Development Manager