


Italy’s NECP: Engaging stakeholders for a sustainable future

by | Jul 16, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Mantua joined the NECP dialogue roundtable to share its recommendations with the national government

Through the NECPlatform project, the municipality of Mantua was involved in several multi-level dialogues aiming to foster a participatory process to update and refine the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP).

Multi-level dialogues to commit to climate neutrality

The NECPlatform project organized several key events in 2023, bringing together local and national stakeholders. These included meetings in April and October, where participants from Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Portugal, and Romania shared experiences and suggestions for the NECP. The Municipality of Mantua played a significant role, presenting its insights from the EUCityCalc project and offering recommendations for the plan.

During the National Conference, held on 21-22 March, 2024, Mantua participated in sessions organised by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and the Covenant of Mayors. These sessions focused on local adaptation policies and tools to support Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), and broader discussions on Italy’s energy and climate strategies.

Outcomes and Recommendations

The NECP aims to address five key dimensions of the EU Energy Union: decarbonization, energy efficiency, energy security, internal energy markets, and innovation. The main objectives include transitioning from traditional fuels to renewable sources, implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gases, improving energy efficiency, and diversifying energy sources.

The Municipality of Mantua, along with other stakeholders, contributed to a series of recommendations for the NECP. These recommendations emphasise:

1. Centrality of climate issues: Making climate a central and binding element in all national and local policy documents.

2. Integration of mitigation and adaptation: Ensuring local sectoral plans align with climate neutrality goals and provide continuous climate planning.

3. Financing the transition: Linking investment needs with public financing policies, promoting green financing, and stopping incentives for fossil fuels.

These inputs were presented to the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, ensuring that local experiences and needs are considered in the national strategy.

Continuous dialogue and integration of local insights are crucial for the successful implementation of Italy’s NECP, ensuring a cohesive and effective approach to energy and climate challenges.

Read the complete list of recommendations here.

Explore our toolkit for insights on how cities can bolster their climate action here.

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