Dijon Métropole is scaling up the climate transition
Dijon Métropole, a member of the EuCityCalc consortium, has been selected to embark upon unprecedented climate action, through the NetZeroCities Pilot Cities Programme, part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme in support of the EU Green Deal.
NetZeroCities has been designed to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. Together with 52 Pilot Cities selected out of 103 applications, Dijon Métropole and its partners will implement innovative actions to accelerate climate action and rapidly decarbonize.
Dijon Metropole’s FAASST-NZ project (Facilitate trAnsition Actions maSSification Towards Net Zero), aims to remove the barriers to the massification of energy transition projects (photovoltaic, self-consumption, mobility…). Its ambition is to set up a governance operator that will associate all the actors of the territory, from companies to citizens. It will facilitate the duplication of solutions already tested, such as the positive energy districts in Fontaine d’Ouche (#h2020RESPONSE project), and will give the territory the means to achieve its carbon neutrality objectives. The Pilot Cities programme will be the opportunity to share learnings with other cities, building on each other’s experiences, replicating and scaling solutions that work in similar contexts.
The EUCityCalc project, which aims to empower cities to devise a clear and concrete roadmap towards climate neutrality, will definitely be a major asset in accelerating Dijon’s transition.